June 2021

School Opening/Closing

Our school will close today, Friday the 18th June 2021 at 12 noon. 

Our school will open on Thursday the 26th of August at 9:20am. 

A School Calendar will come out later in the year.  


Our uniform supplier this year is grantsclothing.ie

Simply log on to their website and key in Scoil Naomh Micheal and all our uniforms will appear. 

School Books

Any school books needed for the new school year will be purchased by the teachers and distributed in August. 

*A note will be sent by each teacher to their class about books, copies, pencils etc. 


The Confirmation Ceremony will take place on Friday the 17th September, 2021 at 1pm. 

School Food 4 Primary

St. Michael’s N.S. are teaming up with a new food company in the new school year. 

Ken and PJ Boland are School Food 4 Primary. They are based in Limerick and they intend to:-

  • Build a commercial kitchen in our school employing only local trades people
  • Hire cooks locally 
  • Supply our pupils with a choice of 4 hot meals daily! 

School League Final

Many firsts were created by our School League this year, most notable being the first set of triplets played in a School League and on one day 5 consecutive matches were played!

Our final was played by Eoin Casey’s Team v Sean Casey’s Team. Well done to the winners Sean Casey’s Team!  A special word of praise for all our participants who played with courage and speed and in defeat behaved with the utmost sportsmanship.

Thank you to Mr. Hussey for all his hard work to keep this most important tradition alive and well in our school!

The Rainbow Camp

Mrs. Claudine Danes will oversee the Rainbow Camp this Summer. It will begin on the 28/6/2021 and end on the 9/7/2021. This camp for all enrolled in the Rainbow Room will be ably assisted by Anita and supported by our SNA assistants.

The Rainbow Run 

The Rainbow run at the Sports Field yesterday was a huge success! A special word of thanks to the staff of the school who did everything to make it the most colourful of days to remember!

€1,867.18 was raised to buy specialist play equipment for the Rainbow Room.

Staff Allocations 2021 – 2022

Junior/Senior Infants: Mrs. Niamh Dignam 

1st, 2nd, 3rd Class: Mrs. Tracy Long 

5th, 6th Class: Mr. Mike Hussey 

Learning Support: Mrs. Anita Murphy 

Mrs. Aine Murphy 

Special Class: Mrs. Claudine Davies

Literacy & Numeracy Camp 

A Deis for Schools Literacy and Numeracy Camp will not go ahead in our school this Summer. 


The Board of Management of Sneem N.S. are extremely grateful to the Sneem Parish Newsletter for their most generous donation of €1,000. 

Go raibh mile maith agaibh go leir! 

School Vaccination Programme 

The HSE has been in contact with our school and has asked us to remind the parents of our 6th Class pupils that the Second Level School Vaccination Programme for 2020/2021 will begin in the first term in their new school. 

Should our parents require further information please visit www.immunisation.ie 

Sixth Class

As our school year draws to a close we would like to wish Oghie Burns, Colm Ryan, Aaron Breen, Daniel O’Sullivan, Sean Casey, Padraig Casey, Michael Casey, Isabell O’Brien, Laura Murphy, Ciara de Jong, Sam O’Sullivan and Eoin Casey only the very best of starts in Pobalscoil Inbhear Sceine in September. We are so proud of all they have achieved in our school and wish them well! 

Thank you all for your continued friendship and support. 

Wishing you all a healthy and a happy Summer. 

Mise le Meas,


Áine Murphy (Principal and Staff)


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