
We in St. Michael’s National School believe that all children deserve to be in a learning environment where they can grow and develop to become the best version of themselves.

No two children are the same and it is the vision we have for this happy space that all children irrespective of need or ability be meet with experienced, skilled professionals who understand the Curriculum and how best to access it for all our pupils.

In August, 2020 we opened the Rainbow Room. This beautiful space is a hive of activity, learning and fun for our ASD pupils. In August 2022, we opened the Sunshine Room. This classroom is also a wonderful space of learning and fun.

Our ASD pupils play in the yard with their peers and regularly spend time in their friends classrooms for planned activities.

It is our hope to continue to welcome all children to our school and continue to work tirelessly to make each one of our pupils the best they can be!